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Taxi Salzburg | © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH


The Salzburg Radio Taxi Association 'SALZBURG-TAXI 81-11' gets you from A to B quickly and conveniently. In addition to the usual single trips, this service provider offers additional services at night or as a substitute for public transport.

Salzburg's number one

With around 320 vehicles and 3200 taxi orders daily, SALZBURG-TAXI 81-11 is the market leader in the Mozart town. In addition to regular taxi services, the company also offers other services, such as the "BusTaxi" as a night-time transport option within Salzburg and the surrounding municipalities, the "substitute transport for Salzburger Lokalbahn [local train line] and bus service" in the event of disruptions in public transport, or services such as transport for the sick, messenger services or cash-free travel for companies.

Mobility improvement for persons with disabilities

The Mobilitätsverbesserung für behinderte Personen [mobility improvement for persons with disabilities] is an important and successful institution. The drivers of the 81-11 taxi company are obliged to accept taxi vouchers for persons with disabilities provided by supporting agencies such as the Municipality of Salzburg. In addition, the transport of wheelchairs is possible, with the exception of electric and non-folding ones.


Bayerhamerstraße 31
5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43662 8111

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