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General Terms & Conditions of Use

1. General

1.1. TSG Tourismus Salzburg GmbH (hereinafter referred to as ‘TSG’) maintains a website with the Internet address, the intent of which is to provide the tourism sector of Salzburg City with a global presence on the World Wide Web. The domain extension .info covers all language variants which are presented online.

1.2. The goal of this homepage is to offer interesting information about the city of Salzburg, its sights and attractions, its accommodation as well as current and upcoming events.

1.3. An agreement between users of the Internet portal and TSG is entered into solely for the purpose of using the free services and features available on the website

1.4. Insofar as the Internet portal provides the user with referrals for third-party services (accommodations, for example), the contractual relationship is entered into exclusively between the user and the third-party in question, such as ‘feratel Deskline®’

2. Legal Scope

2.1. These General Terms & Conditions of Use apply to all offers, services and features which are available on the Internet portal

2.2. Contradictory general terms & conditions or conditions of use on the part of the user shall not apply.

2.3. By using the Internet portal, the user agrees to these General Terms & Conditions of Use without restriction.

3. Access and Availability

3.1. The services and features on the Internet portal are freely accessible, while use is free of charge.

3.2. TSG makes every effort to ensure 24-hour access to its Internet portal. However, accessibility may be subject to limitations due to technical disruptions, maintenance work, etc. The user has no right to uninterrupted accessibility of the Internet portal.

3.3. TSG is entitled to modify, amend or suspend, be that temporarily or permanently, all offers, services and other features of this website.

4. Accommodation Referrals

4.1. Users may use the Internet portal in order to search for available accommodation in Salzburg. TSG does not offer any hotel services in its own name and represents itself neither as a tour operator nor a broker. TSG solely makes available free access to the booking platform ‘feratel Deskline®’. The separate General Terms & Conditions for Provision of Intermediary Services apply to use of this access option.

4.2. Consequently, TSG will never become a contractual party to accommodation bookings. The contractual relationship for booked accommodation comes about solely and directly between the user and the accommodation provider in question.

4.3. Consequently, TSG is likewise not liable for any inaccurate descriptions of accommodation, etc.

5. Liability for Hyperlinks

5.1. Hyperlinks to external websites of other providers, which may be found on the Internet portal, were created exclusively for informational purposes and in the user’s interest.

5.2. Users can also use the Internet portal to learn more about sightseeing tours, guided city tours and various other Excursions. TSG does not offer these services in its own name and does not represent itself either as a tour operator or an agent. TSG merely provides hyperlinks to provider websites as a free service.
Consequently, TSG will not become a contractual party for the aforementioned services.  The contractual relationship for the booked services is accomplished directly and solely between the user and the tour operator or event organizer in question.

5.3. TSG has no influence on the content and design of these websites. Consequently, use of such websites is solely and exclusively the responsibility of the user.

5.4. The hyperlinks created by TSG are inspected at regular intervals; however, continuous monitoring is not possible. Should the content of websites to which TSG has installed links be change without the knowledge of TSG, TSG expressly distances itself from any and all legal infringements and/or illegal content, and will, when informed about such circumstances, remove applicable hyperlinks without delay.

6. Liability for Web Content

6.1. TSG makes every effort to ensure the accuracy, comprehensiveness and topicality of all services and features offered on its Internet portal Notwithstanding, TSG offers no warranty for the correctness of content found at

6.2. In general, all liability is expressly excluded for third-party content, information and services.

7. Data Privacy and the Newsletter

7.1. The services and features of the Internet portal may be used free of charge and without supplying personal data.

7.2. The Internet portal gives the user the opportunity to subscribe to a newsletter. The user provides the personally identifiable data necessary to do so on a voluntary basis. This data will not be shared with third-parties. The circumstances under which such information might be shared are detailed in our Data Privacy Policy.

7.3. Newsletter

7.3.1. Receipt of the Newsletter

Users receive the newsletter, because

o they have previously visited and provided their email address, or

o they have previously visited and provided their email address, or

o Tourismus Salzburg GmbH previously provided them with a service and the user is now saved in a customer file, or

o they previously ordered the newsletter from, or

o their name is contained in the Tourismus Salzburg GmbH press file.

7.3.2. Newsletter Cancelation

At any time, users may unsubscribe from the free TSG newsletter by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link contained in the newsletter, or by sending an email containing the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line to

8. Copyright

8.1. All pictures, information, texts, databases, services and content on the Internet portal are protected by copyright.

8.2. Use is intended solely for private use. Any other forms of use, dissemination, reproduction and/or publication are prohibited without exception. In individual cases, the prior written permission of TSG is required.

9. Final Provisions

9.1. Should any of these General Terms & Conditions of Use be declared null or void, this in no way affects the validity of the remaining provisions.

9.2. Austrian law shall apply under the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods as well as of referring statutes of international private law.

9.3. Seat of jurisdiction for any and all disputes as may arise is the materially competent court within the City of Salzburg.

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