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Salzburger Marionettentheater | © Salzburger Marionettentheater Galéria megjelenítése

Salzburgi bábszínház

The Salzburg Marionette Theater has been enchanting its audiences since 1913 with performances of fairy tales or operas, including works by W. A. Mozart. Due to its unique performance practice, the puppet theater was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

A highlight of the Salzburg theater scene

With a history that goes back more than 100 years, the Salzburg Marionette Theater is an institution with a rich tradition. At this opera house in miniature, the works in their repertoire are performed just like full-scale operas – including dancing, singing and acting. The wooden “cast” of around 500 characters is supplied by the theater’s own workshops. Similarly, the costumes and sets are crafted with skill and a love for every detail. Since September 2016, the Salzburg Marionette Theater has been a proud member of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

A colorful program

The full repertoire of the Salzburg Marionette Theater bears comparison with the world’s biggest opera houses. From Mozart’s Magic Flute to Strauss’s Fledermaus and Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker – there is definitely no shortage of variety here. The Sound of Music has also been one of the public’s most popular productions since 2007. That said, the Marionette Theater puts on around 160 performances in Salzburg every year. This is supplemented by guest appearances internationally as well as full tours.

The Salzburg Marionette Theater for children

Fairytales and popular children’s characters: Younger visitors have played an important role here from the very beginning. A tradition which continues at the Salzburg Marionette Theater to this very day. Children’s pieces such as Peter and The Wolf and The Little Prince are staples of the annual program. The one-hour short programs in the afternoon are especially suitable for children – as well as other Salzburg visitors with only a short time to spare.

The history of the Salzburg Marionette Theater

Central Europe’s marionette-theater tradition was a passion of sculptor and teacher Anton Aicher. In 1913, he launched the Salzburg Marionette Theater with a performance of Mozart’s Bastien and Bastienne. What was very much a project of the heart for Aicher quickly became a cultural highlight of the city of Mozart. When, back in 1971, it moved into the house it occupies today, the Salzburg Marionette Theater suddenly boasted an auditorium that could seat up to 350 guests. The building itself, which is located between the Mozarteum and Salzburg State Theatre, is in the ornate style of the Baroque.

Puppets! The Festival of the Salzburg Marionette Theatre

On the occasion of its 111th anniversary, the Salzburg Marionette Theatre is launching the new Puppets! festival. From 2024, the festival will be held every two years and will be dedicated to the most diverse forms of puppet theatre, bringing outstanding ensembles from all over the world to Salzburg.

 The Salzburg Marionette Theatre in the Salzburg Magazine


Salzburger Marionettentheater
Schwarzstraße 24
5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43662 872406

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