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Innenansicht | © Salzburger Landestheater Galéria megjelenítése

Ticket office - Salzburg State Theatre

Ticket sales are aimed at those interested in performances at the Salzburger Landestheater, the Kammerspiele, the Probebühne Aigen and many more.

The Salzburger Landestheater is the leading and formative institution for the performing arts in the city and province of Salzburg. Under the umbrella of the theatre, opera, drama, ballet and the youth section "Junges Land" work together as four lively and distinguished sections. The theatre stages about 400 performances per season.


Kartenbüro - Salzburger Landestheater
Theatergasse/Schwarzstraße 16
5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43662 871512-222

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