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Alter Fuchs  | © Alter Fuchs

Alter Fuchs

The "Alte Fuchs" is a traditional Salzburg inn in the Linzergasse with Austrian cuisine according to grandma's recipes, combined with new ideas. It offers coziness, hospitality and culinary delicacies. The Stadtwirtshaus serves classic dishes as well as creative seasonal specialties, including Tafelspitz and Schweinsstelze. The restaurant offers space in the shady courtyard as well as in the old vaults of the traditional restaurant. Translated with (free version)

Culinary Selection
  • Austrian cuisine
  • Vegetarian meals
Dining Spaces and Group Information 
  • 3 rooms
  • Seats per room: 10/17/65
  • Seats in the courtyard: 60
  • Seats in the inner courtyard: 35
Additional Amenities
  • Traditional business
  • Children welcome    

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