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Frauenskulptur von Walter Meierhofer | © Art bv Berchtoldsvilla Voir la galerie

ARTSPACE Berchtoldvilla Sculpture Park

At the gates of the Old Town, the professional association of visual artists art bv Berchtholdvilla sets a strong example for art in public space. Since 2012, artworks by local and international artists have been exhibited in thhe freely accessible ARTSPACE sculpture park.

The Berchtoldvilla as a venue for art

The late Baroque Gartenschlössl has been the home of the Professional Association of Fine Artists of Salzburg since 1991 and organises more than 150 artists from painting to installation, photography to land art. Since 2012, the area around the villa has also been used as an exhibition space and shows constantly changing outdoor installations, sculptures and objects as part of the ARTSPACE sculpture park.

The artworks at a glance
  • Lea Anders, Einkleidung (2022)
  • Claudia Eichenauer, Trias-Stele (2012)
  • Reinhard Jordan, Wohin?! (2021)
  • Walter Meierhofer, Europa und andere Frauen
  • Christiane Pott, Entweichen (2018)
  • ARTSPACE 2022 - 2025 Folder (in german)

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