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Bob's Special Tours

For over 40 years, Bob’s Special Tours has been offering exciting tours to English-speaking guests. Thanks to a wide selection of tours in and around Salzburg, you have the opportunity to get to know many of the region’s most fascinating places.

Touring since 1976

Bob’s Special Tours was established more than 40 years ago as a small family business. They specialize in offering half- and full-day guided tours for groups of up to 8 people. These tours take place in and around Salzburg and are all conducted in English.

Wide selection of tours

With Bob’s Special Tours, you can enjoy various tours to many different highlights in and around Salzburg. It isn’t only the shooting locations of “The Sound of Music” that are waiting to be discovered: Lake Königssee in neighboring Bavaria and Oberndorf bei Salzburg, birthplace of “Silent Night”, are both definitely worth a visit as well!

Bob’s Special Tours:

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Programmez votre séjour

Réservez en ligne un tour guidé ou des excursions à Salzbourg et dans les environs:

A Salzbourg, il y a de nombreuses manifestations évènementielles et culturelles de tout genre. Réservez les billets ici:

Grâce à la Salzburg Card vous avez un accès gratuit ou à un prix réduit dans de nombreux musées et vous pouvez utiliser gratuitement les transports en commun dans la ville.

Réserver un hôtel à Salzbourg sur Internet - au meilleur prix!