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Terrasse vom Cafe Bazar | © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH, Breitegger G. Voir la galerie

Café Bazar

Café Bazar on the bank of the Salzach river has always been a meeting place for famous artists, musicians and actors. The interior exudes the unique flair of Austria's famous coffee house culture, and the terrace offers a magnificent picture-postcard view of Salzburg's Old Town. 

Traditional Viennese style café

Old wooden panelling, large chandeliers and marble tables with cast-iron legs still lend Café Bazar, which opened in 1882, a nostalgic touch. In addition to home-made coffee specialities such as the Bazar Melange (filter coffee with milk and whipped cream), the Kaffee Maria Theresia (with Grand Marnier) or the hot ginger drink and a fine selection of pastries such as Milchrahmstrudel [dairy cream strudel] with vanilla sauce, orange truffle cake, Mohnstriezel [poppyseed brioche], this traditional coffee house caters your every craving.

Culinary Selection
  • Austrian cuisine
  • Breakfast offer
Dining Spaces and Group Information
  • 2 rooms
  • Seats per room: 40/80
  • Seats terrace: 100
Additional Amenities
  • Children welcome
  • Barrierfree
  • Dogs allowed

Salzburg Magazine: In the living room of generations: Evelyn Brandstätter



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