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Langlaufloipe Oberwinkl | © TVB Elsbethen

Cross-Country Ski Trail: Gaisberg - Oberwinkl

The Gaisberg is a popular recreation area on the outskirts of Salzburg, offering the opportunity for a wide variety of outdoor sports. In winter, its snow-capped high plateau is ideal for cross-country skiing.

Winter sports on the edge of the city

The cross-country ski trail on the Gaisberg is maintained by the “Verein zur Förderung des Wintersports”, a local organization dedicated to promoting winter sports within the community. The trail takes skiers across a sunny plateau and is barely 10 minutes from downtown Salzburg. Depending on snow conditions, it is between 3 and 5 km long, and is tracked for skiers using classic cross-country technique.

Trail use and how to get there

The best way to reach the trail is via Elsbethen-Glasenbach, an outlying community to the south of the city of Mozart. From the Schwaitl-Landesstrasse, you will take the turnoff for “Gaisbergspitze – Gasthof Mitteregg”. The actual trail access is next to the car park at the Kriechbaumgut. Use of the trail is free of charge and at your own risk. Night skiing is not permitted for safety reasons as well as to protect wildlife.

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