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Eisarena Eingang | © STADT:SALZBURG Voir la galerie

Eisarena Salzburg - Ice rink

The 3,600m² indoor ice rink at the Eisarena Volksgarten offers winter sports fun for the whole family.

Eisarena Salzburg in figures

The artificial ice rink is not only home to EC Red Bull Salzburg ice-hockey club, but also a popular meeting place for recreational athletes. The arena, with its two 60 x 30 metre ice rinks – one of which is indoors, the other outdoors – accommodates 3,200 visitors.

What activities take place in the Eisarena?

The Eisarena offers a wide range of ice-sports activities such as public skating, ice hockey, figure skating, stock sports, short track and formation skating, as well as services such as skate rental, skate sharpening and sports equipment rental. The arena can be hired for events from mid-April to the beginning of August.

Visitor numbers in the ice arena (Eisarena Salzburg)

Eiszauber Volksgarten – open-air ice rink

There are also two outdoor ice rinks (300 m2 and 400 m2) on the Volksgartenbad site, connected by a 330m-long and three-metre-wide ice path. A total of 1700 m2 of ice is available to skaters.

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