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Friedrich Schiller Denkmal im Furtwängler Park | © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH / K. Brugger Voir la galerie

Friedrich Schiller Monument

In Furtwängler Park, directly in front of the Great Hall of Salzburg University, a statue of Friedrich Schiller invites the question: What, if anything, did Schiller have to do with Salzburg?

The story behind the monument

Back in 1866, Karl Freiherr von Schwarz commissioned a statue to honor the German dramatist and poet Friedrich Schiller (1759 – 1805). The monument stood in the park next to his villa until 1941, when the National Socialists moved it to the then Botanical Garden (which we know today as Furtwängler Park).

What you should know about the statue

The monument was designed by Anton Dominik von Fernkorn. It weighs an astonishing three tons and was poured in Vienna in bronze. What makes the statue somewhat remarkable is the fact that, despite no historical connection between Schiller and Salzburg City, it now occupies such a prominent location.


Friedrich Schiller Denkmal
5020 Salzburg

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