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Österreichischer Jakobsweg | © SalzburgerLand Tourismus Voir la galerie

hiking trails - Österr. Jakobsweg

The St. James’ Way to Santiago de Compostela doesn’t only lead through half of Europe, it also runs for almost 10 kilometers right through the heart of Salzburg City.

All the way across Europe on the St. James’ Way

Year after year, the number of people embarking on pilgrimages climbs steadily. The St. James’ Way, with a total length of some 1,000 kilometers and passing through a wide variety of countries, is probably the most famous pilgrimage route worldwide. With their final destination of Santiago de Compostela in Spain constantly in their mind’s eye, people of all ages and backgrounds journey along this pathway of contemplation.

The route of the St. James’ Way through Salzburg

The St. James’ Way takes you on a 10-kilometer walk right through the City of Mozart. Indicated by 50 yellow-and-blue signs, the route is easy to make out, leading from Maria Plain through the picturesque historic district to Maxglan.

Here is the route in detail:

From the autobahn bridge in Maria Plain down to the River Salzach – then follow the  embankment along the right side of the river until you reach the Müllnersteg bridge – cross over to the other side of the river and continue to the Marko-Feingold-Steg bridge – now through the historic district to the Cathedral – through St. Peter’s Cemetery and past the festival halls to the Neutor – leading to Maxglan – along the banks of the Glan – to the next church consecrated to St. James, in Gois.

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