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Buchhandlung Höllrigl | © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH, Breitegger G. Voir la galerie

Höllrigl Book Store

Almost miraculously, Buchhandlung Höllrigl has successfully managed to preserve its original character to this day. Austria’s oldest bookshop is a true oasis for all book fans.

Austria’s oldest bookshop

Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse runs parallel to the Getreidegasse and is home to Austria’s oldest book shop, the second oldest in all of the German-speaking regions. At the end of the 16th century Archbishop Wolf Dietrich played a significant role in redesigning and planning the new baroque city. In this shop he is commemorated by a portrait featuring his coat of arms, and his image can be found on the price tags. A magnificent original vaulted room and artistic ceiling frescos on the first floor, accessed via a spiral staircase, give the store its own very special nostalgic flair.

Jewel for book lovers

General literature is joined by a large range of Salzburgrelated books. Students at the surrounding universities all receive excellent advice. There is one room devoted to travel literature and there is plenty of room for themes like the natural sciences, garden, music, health and art. It’s also well worth taking a look at the selection of audio books, and the books for children of all ages in the expansive ground floor department.

  • Product range: Many Salzburg-themed books, key subjects for students (history, languages, law), English language books, travel section, audio books, general literature
  • Special features: Comprehensive selection of special offers in the ‘Höllrigl Restseller’ branch of the shop right next door


Buchhandlung Morawa Höllrigl
Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 10
5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43 5 910765915

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