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Restaurant Mirabell | © Sheraton Grand Salzburg Voir la galerie

Mirabell, Restaurant

In a central, peaceful location right next to beautiful Mirabell Gardens and just a few minutes from the most important Salzburg sightseeing attractions.

While guests are able to enjoy the modern ambience with views of the park, newly designed Restaurant Mirabell invites diners to indulge in authentic gourmet Austrian classics. This restaurant is ideal for celebrations with families and friends. In summer, you can spend leisurely hours out on the Mirabell Terrace. Restaurant Mirabell is the perfect setting for wedding receptions in an exclusive setting, close to the Salzburg Registry Office with its famous Marble Hall. A public underground garage is also located right next door.

Culinary Selection
  • Austrian cuisine
  • Vegetarian and glutenfree meals
  • Vegan, fructosefree and lactosefree meals on request
  • Every Friday "FRID*EX Dinner" (6-9:30 pm), every Saturday traditional "hut-dinner" (6-9:30 pm), every Sunday "Sunday Lunch" (noon-2:30 pm)
Dining Spaces and Group Information 
  • 2 rooms (seperable)
  • Seats per room: restaurant 40/salon 48
  • Seats garden/terrace: 40
  • Groups welcome up to 120 persons
Additional Amenities
  • Children welcome
  • Barrierfree
  • Dogs allowed
  • Live sports broadcast (bar)


Restaurant Mirabell im Hotel Sheraton Grand Salzburg
Auerspergstraße 4
5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43662 88999-4039

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