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Spielplatz im Volksgarten | © Stadt Salzburg/wildbild Voir la galerie


Explore the different playgrounds in Salzburg with your children. They are meeting places for fun, play and exercise in the fresh air.

Salzburg's playgrounds

You will find various playgrounds all over Salzburg. There, children can run around and have fun outdoors. To ensure the safety of your children, all public playgrounds are checked and cleaned several times a week. In addition, all playground equipment is regularly inspected by the TÜV [official safety inspection authority].

We have put together a small selection of playgrounds for you here:

  • Magic flute play ground, Schwarzstraße (Kurgarten)
  • Playground Franz-Josef-Kai (down by the river underneath the "Klausentor")
  • Playground Volksgarten, Ignaz-Rieder-Kai (at the Volksgarten)
  • Playground Hellbrunn (at the park of Hellbrunn castle)
  • Playground Zistelalm, on the mountain Gaisberg

All playgrounds on the map.

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