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Ploom Dirndl | © Ploom Voir la galerie


Ploom is a dirndl manufactory with a new take on classic traditional costume fashion. The creations are produced in exquisite limited series, with careful attention to detail, and sold in the company's own shops, connected with the studio.

Classic traditional costume fashion re-interpreted

Designer and owner Tanja Pflaum's designs are guided by the Zeitgeist. She combines the design of the old craft of costume tailoring with current fashion trends – astonishing authenticity with young, modern appeal for all who wish to rediscover and maintain links with our roots and traditions.

Throughout the production process, the dirndl manufactory sets great store by high-quality, skilled workmanship and traditional models. The materials for the Ploom collection are sourced from local companies and sewn exclusively in Europe. The Ploom label aims to combine an eye for trends with a passion for craftsmanship. The collection is on sale in a select network of top-quality shops in Austria, Germany and Italy.

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