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Radiomuseum | © TVB Grödig Voir la galerie

Radiomuseum Grödig

In Grödig, a small town close to Salzburg, the Radio Museum provides insights into the origins of the radio. Visitors can view, and in some cases experiment with around 250 different exhibits.

Special finds

At the Radio Museum in Grödig, Hans Martin Walchhofer documents the history of radio from the very first radio transmitters to the VHF equipment of the 1960s. The exhibits include a radio from 1928 as well as an old Morse-code machine.

Experience radio history

The collection is organized in chronological order. In addition to tours as well as demonstrations of rare pieces, visitors are also invited to test the equipment for themselves and even participate in building a detector device. Furthermore, in some cases old equipment can be repaired here. Guided tours are offered by appointment.

SalzburgerLand Card: unlimeted free admission

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