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The Sound of Salzburg Dinner Show | © Voir la galerie

Sound of Salzburg Show & Dinner

Salzburg's most famous melodies and typical Austrian dishes combined in one event: Since 1993, the Sound of Salzburg Show has been delighting guests from all over the world.

The sound of Salzburg live for dinner

From the famous "Edelweiß" from The Sound of Music to Mozart's Magic Flute. At the Sound of Salzburg Dinner Show you will hear melodies that have made Salzburg world famous. Following the dinner with live piano music, the actual show begins - in English for the international audience. Besides The Sound of Music and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, folklore and operettas will be performed.

Enjoy Austrian dishes

Before the show, you can expect culinary gustos from traditional Austrian cuisine in one of Salzburg's top addresses.

  • Bookable for groups from 25 persons
  • Bookable with or without dinner

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