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Bürgersaal | © Sternbräu Salzburg Voir la galerie


Visit the gastronomic heart of Salzburg's old town. The Sternbräu serves Austrian cuisine with a modern twist and its own Sternbier in ten parlours and halls. Three rustic guest gardens invite you to linger in the shade of the chestnut trees.

Culinary Selection
  • Austrian cuisine
  • Glutenfree and lactosefree meals
  • Breakfast in the SternLounge (9 am-11.30 am)
  • Salzburg Tapas only in the SternLounge
  • Self-service area Stern-Stöckl of the beer garden
Dining Spaces and Group Information
  • 10 rooms
  • Seats indoors: 650
  • Seats outdoors: 650
  • Groups welcome up to 110 persons
  • Preferred Salzburg Beer Culture Establishment
Additional Amenities
  • Traditional business 
  • Children welcome (High chair, play area, children's menu)
  • Dogs allowed
  • Public Viewing EM 2024


  • Salzburger Bierkultur – ausgezeichneter Betrieb

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