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Großer Saal in der Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg | © Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg / Andrew Phelps Voir la galerie

Stiftung Mozarteum - Großer Saal

The Grosser Saal of the Mozarteum Foundation was built between 1911 and 1914 in the style of late historicism and is located in the Schwarzstraße. With its special ambience, it is one of Salzburg's most beautiful event venues.

A room with a hundred possibilities

As a concert hall, the barrier-free Grosser Saal is equally suitable for orchestra concerts as well as solo concerts. For the Salzburg Festival, it is one of the main venues for concert series, particularly for chamber music and the Mozart matinees. Up to 800 visitors can experience the best acoustics and varied programmes from classical to light entertainment music in a unique ambience. The Grosser Saal can also be used as a venue for dinners and gala events for up to 300 people.

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