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Trachtenmode | © Trachten Stassny Voir la galerie

Trachten Stassny

Trachten Stassny, a traditional shop for Tracht fashions in Getreidegasse, has been run by Sylvia and Armin Hägele with an instinct for style for 25 years. Trachten Stassny has become a constant fixture in Salzburg's historic city center.

Traditional Tracht fashion store in the Getreidegasse

They have remained true to their creed ever since – making the name Stassny synonymous with style, joie de vivre and authenticity. Each new Tracht collection demonstrates that traditional and modern looks are not incompatible but a wonderful contrast. Local Tracht aficionados and customers from around the world appreciate the traditional shop's own designs and competent staff. Select domestic fabrics, a perfect fit and a love of detail are the basis of an exquisite appearance. Custom-tailored Tracht fashions displaying a superior quality of craftsmanship are Stassny's distinctive signature.

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