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Trachtiges Brautpaar | © Wimmer Schneidert Voir la galerie

Wimmer schneidert

Here, with an unerring instinct for trends, traditional costume is re-interpreted. The models are attractive, with cheerful colours, appealing patterns and smart cuts.

With the experience of generations

Wimmer schneidert is a family business, now in the 9th generation, making traditional costume fashion of the highest quality. We place great store by individuality, quality and regionality. As well as producing the most beautiful dirndls, jackets and waistcoats, Wimmer schneidert specialises in genuine, tailor-made deerskin trousers and exclusive wedding outfits for bride and groom.

Genuine deerskin trousers

Our deerskin trousers are measured and custom-made by hand. Every piece is embroidered with the wearer's initials. The chamois leather, dyed in various natural shades with bark extract, is extremely supple, breathable and non- allergenic. The durability of lederhosen makes them an acquisition for life.

Traditional wedding outfits

Wimmer schneidert specialises in designing and co-ordinating outfits for bridal couples. Are you looking for something out of the ordinary? Whether it's a white wedding-dress or a dirndl that can be worn later for other occasions, whether a traditional suit or lederhosen – Wimmer schneidert will offer you expert advice and the perfect outfit.

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