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SEAD Dances | © Chris Rogl SEAD Galéria megjelenítése


The “Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance” is a training center for contemporary dance as well as an event location for its own productions as well as visiting international guest performers.

Home to a vibrant dance scene

"Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance" (SEAD) was founded in 1993 by American Susan Quinn. Since then, the small dance studio has developed into an internationally acclaimed dance and education center for contemporary dance and choreography. Today, around 100 students from more than 30 countries participate in the training programs offered by SEAD. 

Academy and Company

SEAD is the homebase for "Bodhi Projects", its in-house dance company that has successfully performed around the globe. Numerous special events, such as guest performances by visiting international companies and individuals, projects as well as a diverse program of courses for children and adults alike invite anyone who is interested to watch and participate.


SEAD - Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance
Schallmooser Hauptstraße 48 a
5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43662 624635

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