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Stiegl-Brauerei - Kessel | © Rita Newman Galéria megjelenítése

Stiegl Brewery

The Stiegl brewery in the Maxglan district of Salzburg has been in existence since 1492 and is now Austria's largest private brewery. The interplay of tradition and innovation is a top priority.

The Success Story

Since the brewery was established back in 1492, the unique Stiegl-Märzen has been a popular beverage and an integral element of Salzburg’s beer culture. Originally brewed in downtown Salzburg, the bottling plant for their hops classic relocated to the Maxglan section of Salzburg towards the end of the 19th century. The brewery continues to be located there, privately owned for more than 120 years by the Kiener family. Beer fans can learn more about the history of brewing and how beer is produced at a guided tour at Stiegl-Brauwelt.

Did you know? Even Mozart was a true lover of the delectable “barley juice” produced under the Stiegl label.

The Secret Recipe

Brewing craftsmanship raised to perfection – this is the promise of the Stieglbrauerei, further underscoring the high quality of Salzburg’s beer-brewing tradition. In addition to the tried-and-true brewing process that goes into producing the “Stiegl-Goldbräu” Märzen beer, including a 12-degree original extract, the brewers place great store in use of regional raw ingredients as well as in sustainability. Particular noteworthy is their incorporation of pure, untreated spring water from a well located deep below the Untersberg.


Bräuhausstraße 9
5020 Salzburg
Tel. +4350 1492 1492

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