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European Mozart Ways | © European MozartWays Mostra galleria

European Mozart Ways

There is no better way to understand W. A. Mozart as a person and the music he wrote than to follow in his footsteps through Europe, visiting buildings where he once lived and gave concerts.

Traces of W. A. Mozart

No matter whether the cities are big or small, all of them have preserved traces of W. A. Mozart - a young man who is the best-known and most universal composer in western music history. The revival of Mozart’s itinerary leads travellers to the most important musical, artistic and architectural sites of cultural heritage in Europe.

The vision of Mozart Ways

The international network “European Mozart Ways” was founded in 2002 and connects about 200 places in ten countries in which Mozart left his marks. Ongoing projects both on small and large scales create attention and transfer of knowledge beyond state borders.


Anche questo potrebbe interessarti:

Progetta la tua visita

Prenotazione online di giri turistici della città e nei dintorni di Salisburgo:

Il fiore all’occhiello di Salisburgo  sono le numerose manifestazioni culturali di vario genere: prenota qui i relativi biglietti:

La SalzburgCard ti offre l’ingresso gratuito o ridotto per numerose attrazioni e l’utilizzo gratuito dei mezzi di trasporto pubblici.

Vincere una vacanza

Austria, il paese delle vacanze.
Lascia la tua opinione e vinci!

Prenota online gli alberghi a Salisburgo - in tutta comodità e al miglior prezzo!