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Frohnburg | © Universität Mozarteum Salzburg

Intern. Summer Class of ORFF Institute

For more than 60 years, the Carl Orff Institute of the Mozarteum University has hosted an international summer course that introduces local and foreign educators to the fundamentals of music and dance education.

Summer courses have been held at the Mozarteum University's Orff Institute in Salzburg since 1961. In the early years Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman were responsible for the musical training of the students, in subsequent years summer courses were usually offered in July - around Carl Orff's birthday. Guests from around the world, local and foreign instructors were familiarized with the fundamental principles of teaching music and dance and the work at the Orff Institute. Meanwhile, professional training on a university level has enabled participants from over 70 countries to become qualified to teach music and dance in their respective professions, to reflect didactically and to enhance their education skills with new methods and materials. After taking a summer course, students often continued their studies in Salzburg or vice versa: former students recommended the summer course to others after returning home to work in their professions.


Carl ORFF-Institut, Universität Mozarteum Salzburg
Frohnburgweg 55
5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43662 6198 6100

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