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Surfen Almwelle | © Stadt Salzburg/Johannes Killer

Surfing Wave on the Almkanal

The surfing wave on the Almkanal, in the beautiful Gneis section of Salzburg, has blossomed into a popular El Dorado for river surfers. Summer as well as winter, skilled surfers – as well as those with surfing ambitions – can fine-tune their skills throughout the year.

Hotspot for river surfers

150 m downstream from the Weidenstrasse bridge, in the Gneis section of Salzburg City, you will discover a surging wave for surfers right there on the historic Almkanal. In earlier times, this area was a sluice used to divert water during flooding. But in 2010, it was transformed into a sporting highlight for enthusiastic paddlers and surfers.

The joys of surfing year-round

Within the city’s surfer community, this standing wave already enjoys cult status. Here, river surfing is possible year-round. However, it is during the hot months of summer that it becomes a truly popular sporting attraction. One feature that makes it quite unique is the fact that this man-made wave can be individually adjusted in virtually no time, meaning it can be used by rookies just as well as pros. Use is at surfers’ own risk and only permitted in daylight!

Tip: Every year in September the surf wave is closed for three weeks! It's time for the 'Almabkehr'!

  • Where exactly is the surfing wave on the Almkanal?
    In the Gneis section of Salzburg, downstream from the Weidenstrasse bridge, Heinrich-Meder-Weg
  • When is surfing on the Almkanal allowed?
    Surfing is permitted year-round during daylight hours
  • How skilled do surfers need to be in order to surf the wave on the Almkanal?
    Because the wave can quickly be adjusted, it can be used by beginners and experts alike
  • How much does it cost to surf the wave?
    You can surf the wave for free

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