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oenm - österreichiches ensemble für neue musik | © Andreas Hechenberger und Markus Sepperer Mostra galleria

œnm - austrian ensemble for new music

Founded in Salzburg, œnm is dedicated to performing new music and is Austria's leading orchestra for music of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Pioneering work for decades

In 1975, composer Klaus Ager and clarinettist Ferenc Tornai founded the œnm. The orchestra's aim is to provide an overview of current trends in national and international music.

Bringing new music to life

Over the years and after several hundred world premieres, the oenm has developed into a medium-sized soloist ensemble. The core tasks of the orchestra are the development, performance and communication of contemporary music in the town and province of Salzburg, but also on international stages. Performances at renowned festivals such as the Salzburg Festival and Bregenz Festival, the Munich Biennale and the Elbphilharmonie make the oenm a strong representative and ambassador of New Music.


oenm . österreichisches ensemble für neue musik
Hellbrunner Straße 3/7
5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43662 890310

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