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Eingang | © Land Salzburg / Otto Wieser Показать галерею

Art in the Traklhaus

The house on Waagplatz where famous Salzburg literary figure Georg Trakl was born has also been home to an exhibition room since 1973, presenting works by Austrian as well as international artists.

Prominent Address in the Historic District

The building at 1a Waagplatz isn’t only the birthplace of famous writer Georg Trakl; with its idyllic inner courtyard, it is also a peaceful hidden oasis in the middle of the bustling historic district. Since 1986, the Salzburg State Office of Culture has been responsible for the exhibition program here. “Art in the Traklhaus” fulfills its role as a funding body by presenting Salzburg artists both inside Austria and internationally.

Quality and Diversity

It is an understatement to say that the repertoire of art in Salzburg is diverse. Young aspiring artists are exhibited along with acclaimed names. Painting, sketching and graphic arts, ceramics, sculptures, photography, videos, installations and various other forms of art objects – these exhibitions are as diverse as the various forms of artistic expression. 

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