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Brickflat "The Reader", Clemens-Holzmeister-Stiege | © Tourismus Salzburg / K. Brugger Показать галерею

Brickflats by Raphael Vangelis

Brickflats is an art project by Raphael Vangelis that deals with the problems of the urban housing market in a humorous way.

The artist

Salzburg-born director and artist Raphael Vangelis has lived abroad since completing his studies, in cities including New York, London and Barcelona.

The Brickflats street art project

The Brickflats art project focuses on the current problems of housing shortage and excessive rents. Vangelis' miniature flats the size of bricks each show a figure in a very small space. The artist places his works in walls where a brick is missing. After London, New York, Los Angeles, Paris and Barcelona, there have also been three Brickflats in Salzburg since 2021: in Steingasse, on Clemens-Holzmeister-Stiege and at the main railway station.

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