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Dancer at the Flavourama Street Dance Festival in Salzburg | © Flavourama Показать галерею

Flavourama Streetdance Festival

In recent years, an active modern street dance scene has developed in the baroque town of Salzburg. Hundreds of hip-hop and house dancers display their skills at the Flavourama battle.

Top European event

With participants from 30 nations and more than 3,000 visitors, Flavourama is one of the biggest dance-battle events in Europe. Dancers come to Salzburg to compete in the categories hip-hop and house. In these dance-battles, a DJ sets the music and the participants have to improvise or – in technical terms – freestyle to it. They are judged by a jury of three, who then choose the winners in round called sudden death. All-round offer (also for amateurs)

In addition to exciting direct comparisons, the festival offers a comprehensive fringe programme. Workshops, performances, talks and live bands make this dance style accessible to visitors who are not familiar with the hip-hop scene. Particularly interactive are the walking dance classes, which take place in Hallein this year. Those interested walk through the city and learn a choreography step by step.

Discover stories about the Flavourama Streetdance Festival in the Salzburg Magazine

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