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Liechtensteinklamm in St. Johann | © oczlon.at Показать галерею

Liechtenstein Gorge

The Liechtenstein Gorge in St Johann im Pongau, at the entrance to the Grossarl valley is one of the longest and deepest ravines in the Alps. This unique natural spectacle in the Province of Salzburg is an ideal destination for a family excursion.

About the gorge

The gorge – 4,000m long and up to 300m deep – was formed over millennia through erosion by the Grossarler Ache [stream]. In 1875, a generous donation by Prince Johann II of Liechtenstein enabled work to make the Gorge accessible to the public.


The route leads into the gorge and back over bridges, walkways and stairs for about a kilometre, past mossy rocks and an imposing waterfall, where in fine weather the sun's rays conjure up rainbows in the spray. The "Helix" spiral staircase descending 30m into the depths offers an awesome experience. The hike takes around 1.5 hours.

How to get there

The Liechtenstein Gorge can be reached from Salzburg by car or public transport. Parking is free. Find more details here.

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