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Kinder auf der Müllner Schanze | © Camera Suspicta / Susi Berger Показать галерею

Müllner Schanze Climbing Area

The climbing center at the Müllner Schanze is an exhilarating attraction. Twelve rock-climbing routes rated 1 to 6+ turn this rockface into an adventure playground.

Climbing opportunities in detail

The routes take you across rock formations that vary in steepness, requiring all kinds of different hand- and footholds. Climbers need to bring their own gear. In addition to the main rockface, you have a number of other options: a ropes course, bouldering (no rope needed since you are close enough to the ground to jump down if you have to), slacklining, a rope pyramid (5.35 meters tall, a climbing net made from 237 meters of rope).

The Müllner Schanze Climbing Center is easy to reach by public transport, bicycle and on foot, though not by car.
Area: 1800 m²

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