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St. John's Church | © Tourismus Salzburg / St. Loidl Показать галерею

St. John's on Imberg Church

Halfway between Steingasse and the Capuchin monastery is the oldest church on the right side of Salzburg's old town: the heritage-protected church of St. John on the Imberg.

What is special about the church?

The name of the single-nave church, which was first mentioned in a document in 1319, harks back to an old name for the Kapuzinerberg mountain (Imberg). The core of the small church is Romanesque, and baroque features were added in the 17th century. The high altar is still adorned with a painting, most of which dates from 1681.

Was W. A. Mozart also here?

There are several legends surrounding the small almost inconspicuous church of St. John on the Imberg. According to some history books, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart regularly climbed the approximately 125 steps to the church. In any case, the church, dedicated to St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist has survived for over 700 years.

How do you get to the church?

To get to the church of St. John on the Imberg, you can either walk up the stairs from Steingasse to Imbergstiege No. 3, or walk from Linzergasse to the Capuchin monastery and then descend a few steps.

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