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Tactile model of Salzburg's Old Town | © Stadt Salzburg / Rocio Escabosa Показать галерею

Tactile model of Salzburg's Old Town

A tactile model of Salzburg's Old Town enables blind and visually impaired people for the first time to perceive the dimensions of the town and its buildings through the sense of touch.

In Franziskanergasse – not far from Cathedral Square – stands the bronze model depicting the town centre on a scale of 1 to 700. It was designed by German sculptor and object designer Felix Brörken, measures 216x117 cm and weighs 180 kilograms.

The tactile model gives blind and visually impaired people the opportunity to trace the sizes and dimensions of churches, houses and squares with their fingertips. Information on important landmarks is provided in the international Braille alphabet, offering a new way of exploring the town. This also applies to sighted onlookers: after all, a bird's eye view offers a completely different perspective of architectural structures.

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