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Counter | © Tourismus Salzburg / G.Breitegger Показать галерею

Tourist Info - Mozartplatz

Tourist Info Mozartplatz lies in the heart of the Salzburg historic district, a central resource for all of your tourism-related questions.

What does this tourist office have to offer?

Whether brochures, city maps or info folders for various sights and attractions in Salzburg – at the tourist information office on Mozartplatz, you will be able to pick up all of the information you might possibly need! You will also have the opportunity to buy a SalzburgCard as well as make reservations for some of the most popular guided tours of the city. Plan your personalized Salzburg experience as you take full advantage of the expertise of our tourist office staff.

How do I find the Mozartplatz tourist office?

The Mozartplatz tourist office is located inside the pedestrian zone of the Salzburg historic district at No. 5 Mozartplatz not far from Salzburg Cathedral.

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