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Tourismus Information Bahnhof | © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH

Tourist Info - Salzburg Main Station

The tourist information office at Salzburg Main Station is there to answer all tourism-related questions that rail travelers might have.

What does the tourist information office offer?

The trained employees who work at the tourist information office located at Salzburg Main Station are there to answer all of your questions, so that you can enjoy a marvelous stay here in the City of Mozart. Aside from providing you with information personally, you can also browse a wide selection of brochures and city maps, which you are welcome to take with you free of charge. In addition to that, you will be able to book various guided tours and even purchase the SalzburgCard. Guaranteeing you a perfect start to a glorious day in this beautiful city of ours.

How do I find the tourist information office at Salzburg Main Station?

As you are leaving the platform area, you will find the tourist information office in a corridor to the left of the main entrance hall. Keep your eyes open for the escalator that drops down to the platform for Salzburger Lokalbahn trains. From there, you are just a few steps away from the entrance to the tourist information office.

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