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Take the A-Train | © Take the A-Train Zobrazit galerii

Take the A-Train

Since 2015, the music city of Salzburg has had yet another festival: Take The A-Train connects the city's coolest venues with diverse bands and musical styles.

Jazz with pizzazz

Though it is fairly young, this music festival has experienced strong development. The innovative use of unusual venues in and around Salzburg's main railway station has won over visitors so much that the programme now includes about 35 concerts at around 15 venues in and around the town of Salzburg. Most concerts are free of charge.

Lots of movement around the station

From a quick concert in the open-air truck on the square in front of the station to the small club concert with up-and-coming artists – Take The A-Train is a festival full of good humour and multi-faceted music and is supported, above all, by passionate local partners.

Programme: Take the A-Train 5-15 September 2024

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