Salzburger Christkindl Pass
By submitting this form, you consent to the processing of the aforementioned personally identifiable data for the purposes of ordering and sending the 'Salzburger Christkindlpass' based upon your expressed agreement and until such point as you wish to revoke or rescind your consent.
You are under no legal or contractual obligation to provide personally identifiable data or to give your consent. Failure to provide such data or your refusal to give consent will merely result in us being unable to send you the 'Salzburger Christkindlpass'.
Your information will not be shared with third parties.
You have the right to withdraw your consent in writing at any time. This in no way affects the legality of our having processed your data pursuant to your original consent until such point as that consent was revoked.
Likewise and in the same way, you may refuse to have your personally identifiable data processed for the purposes of direct advertising. Should you do so, your personally identifiable data will no longer be used for direct advertising.
You have the right to receive details about the personally identifiable information we have collected, as well as to have such information corrected, deleted, to have the processing or transferability of your personally identifiable data restricted, and to submit complaints to an appropriate public oversight office.
Further information on the topic of data privacy can be found in our privacy policy!