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Viewing from Kapitelplatz in Salzburg on the Hohensalzburg fortress | © Tourismus Salzburg

Guided Tours

There are countless ways to experience Salzburg: alone or in a group, on foot or in a horse-drawn carriage, on a guided tour or on the individual city walks – Mozart town reveals its secrets in various ways. We provide the overview – all you have to do is choose.

Different tours 

A city trip is always an exciting affair. Whether you are visiting for the first time or the fifth, whether you wish to focus one topic or get an overview, whether you want to do sports or just take it easy – Salzburg caters to your every need. 

The individual city walks take you to the most beautiful photo spots in the Mozart town and provide information on topics such as Mozart, beer culture or the Salzburg Festival in a relaxed atmosphere. Salzburg's professional tour guides invite you to take part in a variety of themed tours. Bus tours of the surrounding areas take you up the mountain or into the Salzkammergut [lake district] region. There is also a wide range of tours and Excursions on offer in winter. 

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Plan your visit

Book guided city tours and excursions in and around Salzburg online:

The many-and-varied cultural events represent the heart & soul of Salzburg. Book your tickets right here:

The Salzburg Card provides you with free or discounted admission to numerous sightseeing attractions, along with free use of public transportation.

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