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Slide in the mining galleries | © Salzwelten Show gallery

Salzburg Salt Mines

Fun, fascination and mystical moments await visitors to the Salzburg salt mine. In addition to intriguing information about the arduous work done by miners in the past, visitors, big and small, will explore in the footsteps of the Ancient Celts, who were already mining salt here back in 400 BC.

Salzburg Salt Mine: Welcome to the ancient realm of “White Gold”
  • Ride the original mine train deep into the mountain!
  • Slide down to a fantastic show on a subterranean salt lake!
  • Follow in the footsteps of the Celts to the very heart of the mine!
  • Marvel at prehistoric finds in the Hallein Celtic Museum!
  • Sun terrace and viewpoint over the Salzach valley to the fortress Hohensalzburg 
In the Realm of White Gold!

At one time, “White Gold” represented the very foundation of the wealth enjoyed by Salzburg City and its surrounding lands. Nowadays, you are the one for whom the salt provides fun, relaxation and adventure. As you take an exciting ride on a mine train deep into the heart of the Dürrnberg, you penetrate a former world of fabulous wealth. And at the same time gain an impression of the fates of those people who toiled to bring it out into the light of day.

In the Footsteps of the Celts!

With every step you take deeper into the mountain, you discover evidence of the legendary Celts. The people who were already mining salt here 400 years before Christ. If you listen closely, you can still hear the voices of those brave, tireless men, who tore the white treasure out of this mountain with their bare hands. 

Slide down to a fantastic show on the salt lake

Just like the miners of old, you will slither down two long slides to a subterranean salt lake, one that immediately transforms into a magnificent stage.  Its surface reflecting a fascinating show of sound & light. As the grand finale, you will sail across the lake on a raft made of wood.

In the midst of the Celts’ daily life – SALINA village

The Celts are often regarded as the great puzzle of early history. How did they live and work? In SALINA Celtic village on the Dürrnberg, you will find many of the answers, right where it originally took place. Look forward to buildings constructed true to the originals, their homes and their workplaces, which, in collaboration with the Celtic Museum in Hallein, were brought up to date with the latest scientific research. Enjoy a glimpse into the daily life of miners over 2500 years ago with the help of audiovisual installations. 

  • What you should also know: Salzburg Salt Mine is open for explorers ages 4 to 99 throughout the year. For a perfect experience, we also offer you an audio guide (D/E/I/F/SLO/H/RU/CZ/JAP/Mandarin/ES) as well as free parking right in front of the entrance building. Don’t forget to come with sturdy shoes! Complete information about tour times, prices and special events can be found online at

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