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New Residence & Salzburg's Carillon | © Salzburg Museum Show gallery

New Residence


Due to the general renovation and site expansion, Neue Residenz will be closed from 29 October 2023 until expected autumn 2026.

The New Residenz is one of the two archiepiscopal residences in Salzburg's Old Town. The building, which is under a preservation order, borders on the Mozartplatz, Residenzplatz and Kaigasse, and today houses Salzburg Museum, Glockenspiel and Heimatwerk.


Construction and completion of the New Residenz took more than a hundred years. Four prince-archbishops had considerable influence on its design, yet the building is essentially "a child of the time" of Prince-Archbishop Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau. In 1588, he had the preceding buildings demolished to make room for the new one, intended to serve as his new residence and to accommodate guests. In 1605, however, he decided to retain the Old Residenz as his domicile.

Wolf Dietrich had the main building of the New Residenz completed with the tower, and began work on the wing next the Kaigasse, which was completed by his successor, Archbishop Markus Sittikus. In 1674, Archbishop Max Gandolph von Kuenburg built the south and south-west wing, intended mainly to house the court library. The arcades were added in the reign of Archbishop Johann Ernst Thun, and the tower heightened to accommodate the famous carillon (Glockenspiel).

The state-rooms

These splendid rooms on the second floor of the New Residenz comprise the Tugendsaal [virtue], Gloriensaal, Ständesaal [estates], Feldherrensaal [commanders], bathroom and Bischofssaal. The richly stuccoed staircase is modelled on that of an Italian Renaissance palace.

The New Residenz today

The New Residenz now houses the following institutions:

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