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Innen | © Baltram - Feine Patisserie Mostrar galeria

Baltram - Feine Patisserie

Show pastry shop with adjoining salesroom and café in a historic Salzburg townhouse in the Mülln district.

Patissier Gerald Baltram spoils guests in his small café with homemade chocolates and macarons as well as the finest desserts. The special feature of the show confectionery is that it can be viewed from all sides and both passers-by and visitors to the café can look over the confectioners' shoulders as they work.

Culinary Selection
  • Cakes, chocolates, macarons, pastries, ice cream
  • Lactosefree and vegan meals
Dining Spaces
  • 1 room
  • Seats per room: 16
Additional Amenities
  • Show confectionery

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