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Die Weisse - Gastgarten | © Die Weisse Mostrar galeria

Die Weisse - Wirtshaus

Salzburg brewery “Die Weisse” is Austria’s oldest brewer of Weissbier. Since 1901, wheat beers of the highest quality have been brewed in the Schallmoos district in an innovative way and, of course, served in the brewery's own pub.

Culinary Selection
  • Austrian cuisine
  • Vegetarian and glutenfree meals Dining spaces and Group Information
Dining Spaces and Group Information
  • 6 rooms
  • Seats per room: 30/50/65/80/80/110
  • Seats in the courtyard: 400
  • Groups welcome up to 70 persons
  • Preferred Salzburg Beer Culture Establishment
Additional Amenities
  • Children welcome
  • Barrierfree
  • Dogs allowed

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