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Fly Tandem | © Wolfgang Wimmer, Fly Tandem Mostrar galeria


Explore the city of Mozart from a bird's eye view!

From Salzburg's local mountain, the Gaisberg, you not only have a wonderful view of the city, but can also enjoy the unique backdrop of the surrounding mountains. Always in view is the historic Hohen Salzburg Fortress. With the beautiful city of Salzburg, the lowlands to the north, the breathtaking mountains and rock faces in the surrounding area and the forest below, the flight becomes an unforgettable experience.


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Reservar en línea visitas guiadas y excursiones por Salzburgo y alrededores:

El corazón de Salzburgo son los numerosos y diversos espectáculos culturales. Reserve aquí sus entradas:

La tarjeta “Salzburg Card” le ofrece entradas gratuitas o con descuento a numerosas atracciones turísticas así como el uso gratuito del transporte público.

Book your hotel room in Salzburg online – at the best possible price!