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Fuxn, Salzburger Volkswirtschaft

The Fuxn is not a restaurant but a way of life. A large living and dining room for all Salzburg locals and guests. The culinary offering focuses on food and drink from the Bavarian-Austrian cultural area. Most of the food is sourced from small, family-run businesses, with an emphasis on environmentally friendly and animal-friendly production. In the centre of town, the large garden with its chestnut trees invites you to linger.

Culinary Selection
  • Austrian cuisine
  • Glutenfree, vegan and vegetarian meals
Dining Spaces and Group Information
  • 4 rooms
  • Seats inside: 280
  • Seats outdoors: 200
  • Groups welcome up to 120 persons
  • Preferred Salzburg Beer Culture Establishment
Additional Amenities
  • Children welcome (Highchairs, playground, large guest garden, children's menu)
  • Dogs allowed
  • Private parking lot
  • Charging station for electric cars
  • Live sports broadcast
  • Bachelor/-ette parties expressly prohibited

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