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Leica Galerie und Boutique Salzburg | © Residenz Park Optic Beteiligung GmbH Mostrar galeria

Leica Gallery and Boutique

The Leica Gallery and Boutique on Gaisbergstrasse is dedicated to photography. It combines sales, exhibitions and cultural activities.

The Gallery

As the name suggests, FOTO Gallery Leica focuses on select historical and contemporary photography. In approximately six rotating exhibitions per year, a selection of acclaimed photographers and emerging talents are presented. The finishing touches to the gallery experience are provided by a bookstore offering photography books, new editions and various rarities.

The Leica Empire

Leica galleries can be found at 26 different locations worldwide. They all have very close ties to Austrian Andreas Kaufmann, who bought and restructured the traditional German brand Leica in 2006. The gallery in Salzburg is run by Mrs. Rehn-Kaufmann, the wife of the owner. At Leica Boutique Salzburg, interested visitors will discover a stock of current LEICA products. Expert employees and custom-tailored workshops make the gallery a true hotspot for professionals.

Additional exhibition locations

The Leica Gallery regularly exhibits at different locations in Salzburg. This includes exhibitions hosted within the framework of the Festival in the foyer of the festival halls (2017) as well as at Hotel Sacher. Exhibitions are also regularly featured at Schloss Arenberg.

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