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Luggage lockers in Salzburg

Whether you are travelling through or have a few hours to spare before leaving Salzburg – store your suitcase or rucksack in the secure luggage storage facility at Salzburg main station and Salzburg Airport and enjoy a carefree time here!

Where can I drop off my luggage?

The lockers at Salzburg main station and the luggage storage facility at Salzburg Airport are secure, easily accessible and can be used for up to 24 hours.

How much do the lockers at the main station cost?
  • small (45x35x85 cm) € 2,00
  • medium 60x35x85 cm € 2,50
  • large 90x35x85 cm € 3,50
  • large (jumbo) 90x50x85 cm € 4,50
  • x-large (suitable for skis) 200x30x85 cm € 4,50
What does storage at Salzburg Airport cost?

There is a charge of € 8.00 per piece of luggage and day. The storage of one pair of skis costs € 5,00 per day. The fees are to be paid at the airport information desk.

Can I also park my bicycle?

Short-term parkers who wish to store their bicycle and luggage can do so near Salzburg main station:

Bike boxes can be booked online or on site. The cost is € 0.50 per hour, from 4 to 24 hours € 2.00.

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