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Schauraum | © Madl Haute Couture und Tracht Mostrar galeria

Madl Haute Couture und Tracht

Madl Haute Couture und Tracht is an institution in the heart of Salzburg, the designated center for traditional costume-inspired fashion. The store is run by Carolin Sinemus.

Haute couture and traditional costumes by Carolin Sinemus

The mastery lies in the craftsmanship and the passion for materials that are rarely produced today. At Madl they are still available thanks to a forward-looking purchasing strategy. Valuable unique pieces are created that never lose their connection to tradition and costume.

Carolin Sinemus says: "Madl is a privilege for me!"

Since her student days, Sinemus has dreamed of being able to work at the level of splendour, craftsmanship and aesthetic sensitivity, freed from the constraints of rapid collection changes. She focuses on dressing to create an aura of true individuality.

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