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Kehlsteinhaus | © TR Berchtesgaden Mostrar galeria

The Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle’s Nest) on Obersalzberg Mountain

The Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle’s Nest) on Obersalzberg Mountain in Berchtesgaden is located at a height of 1820m above sea level and is a popular day-trip destination. Originally built by the Nazi Party as a suitably representative venue, the architecturally unique building now features a mountain-top restaurant offering a splendid panoramic view of the area.

The Kehlsteinhaus – Then and Now

The Kehlsteinhaus, a.k.a. the Eagle’s Nest, was built under the rule of the National Socialists as a gift for Adolf Hitler to mark his 50th birthday. During the Second World War, the building was used for state occasions and government meetings. No bombs or Allied attacks ever impacted the building, allowing it to survive in its original form, right up until today. Since 1960, the Kehlsteinhaus has housed a mountain restaurant, commanding stunning panoramic view of peaks up to 200 kilometres away.

A Very Special Ascent

There is no other road in the world like the one from Obersalzberg to the Kehlstein car park. Although it only has one long bend, the road rises 800m in altitude. Since 1952, the Kehlsteinstraße has been closed to normal road traffic. Ever since that time, a special bus has brought tourists from all over the world up to the Kehlstein car park, where the ongoing journey becomes rather adventurous. A 124-metre tunnel through the solid mountain rock takes guests to a lift, the interior of which is fitted with mirrors and polished brass. In just 41 seconds the lift takes guests up to the interior of the Eagle’s Nest.

Arrival and Details 

The easiest way to experience the Eagle’s Nest is a guided bus tour that starts in the city of Salzburg. Visitors can also enjoy a foot march offering magnificent views of the Bavarian Lake Königssee, this takes approximately 2 housr. Those seeking a more easy-going means of getting back down can continue the journey by bus.

The buses and the lift also transport wheelchairs.

Eagles Nest - Good to know

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